Orchestra first violin section




Our mission at Artsonium Foundation is to develop and bring to life projects in the realms of art, performing arts, cultural heritage, music, and multimedia on both national and international levels. We strive to cultivate a dynamic and inspiring environment where artists, musicians, performers, and multimedia professionals have the opportunity to nurture and showcase their creative talents.

Through collaboration, innovation, and cultural exchange, we aim to build bridges between diverse cultures and communities, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of universal forms of expression. By creating artistic value and encouraging artistic growth, our ultimate goal is to enrich society and promote cultural diversity.

Join us in our journey as we create and support meaningful artistic endeavors that make a positive impact. Explore our website to learn more about our projects and initiatives.

Together, let's celebrate the power of art and creativity in shaping a vibrant and interconnected world.


Professional symphonic string orchestra performing on stage and




We are thrilled to announce that this page is dedicated to showcasing our esteemed (future) partners. If you are interested in becoming a partner and joining us on our exciting journey, we invite you to explore the possibilities.

To express your interest in becoming a partner, please reach out to us through the contact information provided on our website. We look forward to hearing from you and exploring the potential of collaboration.


Phone Number

(+31) 634982593

Mailing Address

Kempenaar 632, 8231 VB Lelystad

Email Address
